HRD Corp Claimable

2022 Employment Act Updates & Non-HR Discipline Management

As Malaysia embraces the significant amendments to the Employment Act 1955, effective from January 1, 2023, in West Malaysia—with Sarawak and Sabah poised to follow—understanding these changes is paramount for all organizational leaders. This one-day intensive course, led by the esteemed Peter Kanagaraj, aims to demystify the updated provisions of the Employment Act for non-HR professionals, ensuring that your organization remains compliant, fair, and forward-thinking in its employment practices.

Course provider:

HRD Corp

Training Provider



The course details:
Course date To Be Confirmed
Course Duration 1 Day
Unlimited access
Certificate of completion
Evaluation test
Face-to-Face sessions

As Malaysia embraces the significant amendments to the Employment Act 1955, effective from January 1, 2023, in West Malaysia—with Sarawak and Sabah poised to follow—understanding these changes is paramount for all organizational leaders. This one-day intensive course, led by the esteemed Peter Kanagaraj, aims to demystify the updated provisions of the Employment Act for non-HR professionals, ensuring that your organization remains compliant, fair, and forward-thinking in its employment practices.

Why Attend:

The recent amendments to the Employment Act 1955 introduce critical changes affecting the workweek duration, maternity and paternity leave, flexible working arrangements, and more, significantly impacting organizational operations and employee relations. By preparing in advance, leaders can ensure a smooth transition to these new standards, safeguarding their business against potential legal pitfalls and enhancing workforce satisfaction and productivity.

Major Amendments Covered:

  • Reduction of work hours from 48 to 45 hours per week
  • Extension of maternity leave from 60 to 98 days
  • Introduction of paid paternity leave
  • Provision for flexible working arrangements
  • Increased penalties for non-compliance
  • Enhanced protections against sexual harassment
  • Revised sick leave entitlements
  • Prohibitions on terminating pregnant employees
  • Expanded employee status and coverage

Who Should Attend:

This course is designed for heads of personnel, HR managers and executives, in-house legal managers and executives, department heads, operations managers, training personnel, IR executives/officers, and any professional keen on understanding the Employment Act 1955 amendments and their implications for domestic inquiry processes.

About the Trainer:

Peter Kanagaraj, an accredited HRD Corp Trainer with extensive experience in HR consultancy and industrial relations, brings a wealth of knowledge from his background in engineering and business administration. His transition to HR and legal consultancy has equipped him with a unique perspective on the practical application of employment law in organizational settings. Peter is committed to guiding organizations through the complexities of compliance with the latest legal standards.

Course Benefits:

Participants will leave with a comprehensive understanding of the 2022 amendments to the Employment Act 1955 and practical insights into managing discipline effectively within their organizations. This course offers a proactive approach to adapting your HR practices in anticipation of the changes extending to Sarawak and Sabah, ensuring your organization not only complies with the law but also fosters a more supportive and flexible work environment.

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Course schedule
Course date
To Be Confirmed
Course duration
1 Day

Day Date Time Total Hours
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Course Provider
GEM Consultancy

Meals are not included

Accommodation was not included in the courses

Slots available
Remaining slots: 19 seats
Course objectives

Understand the 2022 Amendments to the Employment Act 1955

Legal Compliance and Best Practices

Effective Management of Workplace Discipline

Enhanced Employee Relations

Practical Application and Strategy Development

Course Details
Training methodology
To Be Confirmed
Assessment methods
To Be Confirmed
Level of certification
To Be Confirmed
Related topics
Reviews and rating
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