HRD Corp Claimable

Training Needs Analysis

This Training Needs Analysis not only emphasize on how an effective training needs analysis are conducted but critically this program guides participants on how to develop effective questionnaires and designing appropriate interviewing questions.

Course provider:



The course details:
Course date Mon, 7 Oct - Tue, 8 Oct 2024 (9AM - 5PM )
Course Duration 2 days
60 days unlimited access
Certificate of completion
Evaluation test
Face-to-Face sessions

This course is designed for trainers, training managers, training executives, training officers, training coordinators, and training administrators, who want to enhance their ability to conduct basic Training Needs Analysis (TNA) process and develop the Training Plan based on the findings identified during the TNA exercise.

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Course schedule
Course date
Mon, 7 Oct - Tue, 8 Oct 2024 (9AM - 5PM )
Course duration
2 days

Day Date Time Total Hours
Day 1 Monday, 07 October 2024 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM 8.0 hours
Day 2 Tuesday, 08 October 2024 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM 8.0 hours
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Course Provider
Felicia Siaw

Meals are not included

Accommodation was not included in the courses

Slots available
Remaining slots: 50 seats
Course Details
Training methodology
To Be Confirmed
Assessment methods
To Be Confirmed
Level of certification
To Be Confirmed
Related topics
Reviews and rating
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Education and Teaching
Train The Trainer
Education and Teaching
Training Needs Analysis
Education and Teaching
Train The Trainer